The Norfolk and Suffolk Nature Recovery Partnership are committed to respecting your privacy.

1. Website Data

1.1 Browser Cookies
This website uses cookies. These are small text files that are saved to your device when you use our website. They help us to measure the performance of this website so that we can continue to improve the experience of reading and navigating the information it contains.

Cookies used by this website cannot be used to identify you personally, and do not collect information about other websites that you visit.

You can prevent cookies being downloaded to your device, block their use or receive notification that cookies are being downloaded by changing the settings on your web browser

.You can update your cookie preferences on this website by deleting cookie data from your browser using the details below, and selecting “preferences” on the cookie banner the next time you visit.

Visit the pages below to learn how to delete cookies or change cookie settings on popular browsers:
To find out more visit

Types of cookies being used by this website:

1. Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are required in order for the website to function.
Set Cookie Preferences
365 days
Set Cookie Preferences
365 days
2. Analytics Cookies: These collect anonymous information about how visitors interact with the website, for example how many visits a page received and how long on average users spend time on a page.
Google Analytics
365 days
Google Analytics
365 days
1.2 Online Events and Surveys
This website will be used to publicise opportunities to get involved with the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

These opportunties could be online or offline events, or online surveys. Where personal data is collected, this will be done by the organisation representing a specific geographic area of the partnership, and covered by their privacy and data handling policies.

  • An online survey relating to Local Nature Recovery Strategy in Norfolk would be published and managed by Norfolk County Council, and subject to Norfolk County Council's Privacy Policy.
  • Registration for an offline event for stakeholders based in Suffolk, would be managed by Suffolk County Council and subject to Suffolk County Council's Privacy Policy.
1.3 Contact Form
This website does not currently use a contact form. In the future, a contact form may be added and this privacy statement will be updated to explain how the form will process and store data , your rights as a user and what action to take if you have any concerns or queries about the handling of your personal data.
1.4. Links and Third Party Websites
We link our website directly to other sites. This statement does not cover external websites and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those sites. We encourage you to read the privacy notices of any external websites you visit via links on our website.  
1.5. International Transfers
For providers such as Google (who provide the Google Analytics cookies listed in paragraph 1.1) your personal information (IP Address) will be transferred outside of the UK, namely to the United States of America. These transfers are subject to an adequacy decision, in the form of the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (DPF). To find out more about the DPF click here.

Useful information about private browsing:
  • A number of websites provide detailed information on cookies,including and
  • The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance website Your Online Choices allows you to install opt-out cookies across different advertising networks.
  • Google has developed a browser add-on to allow users to opt-out of Google Analytics across all websites which use it. This is also available in the Chrome web store.
  • Some browsers include a feature known as ‘Do Not Track’ or DNT. This allows you to indicate a preference that websites should not track you. However, whilst DNT is available in many browsers, websites are not required to recognise its request, so it may not always work.
  • Internet Explorer has a feature called Tracking Protection Lists which allows you to import a list of websites you want to block.
For more information on how private browsing works as well as its limitations, visit the support pages for your browser: 

2. Personal Information

2.1 How the Norfolk and Suffolk Nature Recovery Partnership Collects Personal Information
  • When you give it to us directly. For example, personal information that you share with us when you contact us by email.
  • When we obtain it indirectly. For example, your contact details may be shared with us by your employer or by a relevant third-party organisation who wishes to recommend your involvement with the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
  • When it is available publicly. Your personal information may be available to us from external publicly available sources. For example, depending on your privacy settings for social media services, we may access information from those accounts or services.
Personal information that we collect from you will be handled and stored by the partner organisation representing your geographic area, and is subject to that organisations Privacy Policy.

Suffolk County Council Privacy PolicyNorfolk County Council Privacy Policy
Apart from as mentioned about the use of Cookies above, aAll data is stored at a destination within the UK or European Economic Area (‘EEA’) and retained for the duration of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy project, which is due for completion in autumn/winter 2025.
2.2 Lawful Bases
GDPR requires us to rely on one or more lawful bases to process your personal information. We consider the grounds listed below to be relevant:
  • Public Task: Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, specifically the delivery oLocal Nature Recovery Strategies for Norfolk and Suffolk
  • Consent: Where you have provided your consent for us to use your personal information in a certain way, for example to register for an event or sign-up for a newsletter. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting your county’s LNRS team.
2.3 Your Rights
a. Right of access – you can write to us to ask for confirmation of what personal information we hold about you and to request a copy of that information. Provided we are satisfied that you are entitled to see the information requested and we have successfully confirmed your identity, we will provide you with your personal information subject to any exemptions that apply. To action this right, please contact your county’s Data Protection Officer using the details in section 3.1 of this policy.

b. Right of erasure – at your request and where you are entitled to, we will delete your personal information from our records as far as we are required to do so. In many cases we would propose to suppress further communications with you, rather than delete it.

c. Right of rectification – if you believe our records of your personal information are inaccurate, you have the right to ask for those records to be updated. You can also ask us to check the personal information we hold about you if you are unsure whether it is accurate/ up to date.d. Right to restrict processing – you have the right to ask for processing of your personal information to be restricted if there is disagreement about its accuracy or legitimate usage.

e. Right to object – you have the right to object to processing where we are (i) processing your personal information on the basis of the legitimate interests ground, (ii) using your personal information for direct marketing or (iii) using your information for research or statistical purposes.

f. Right to data portability – to the extent required by GDPR, where we are processing your personal information by automated means and either (i) because we have obtained your consent, or (ii) because such processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contact, you may ask us to provide your personal information to you – or another service provider – in a machine-readable format. To request this, please contact your county’s LNRS team.

g. Rights related to automated decision-making – you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated based solely on automated processing of your personal information which produces legal or similarly significant effects on you, unless such a decision (i) is necessary to enter into/ perform a contract between you and us/ another data controller; (ii) is authorised by Law to which organisations in the Partnership are subject (as long as that law offers you sufficient protection); or (iii) is based on your explicit consent. We may ask you for additional information to confirm your identity and for security purposes, before disclosing personal information requested to you.

3. Contact Information

3.1 How to contact us about your data
Any questions or requests regarding this Policy and/or the processing of your data are welcomed and should be addressed to your county’s Data Protection Officer. Those not resident in Norfolk or Suffolk should contact the Norfolk County Council Data Protection Officer.

Suffolk County Council data Protection Officer:
Postal address: Information Governance Team, Suffolk County Council, Constantine House, Constantine Road, Ipswich, IP1 2DH
Telephone: 01473 265323.

Norfolk County Council Data Protection Officer
Postal Address: DPO, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2DH
3.2 Information Commissioners Office
For assistance with complaints regarding your personal data, please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office:

Postal Address: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
We update this document from time to time, so please review it often. The date below is updated every time this document is updated.  

This document was last updated on 22/07/2024.